Matariki trip
two days ago we went on a trip for Matariki I made a neckless and it was a star in the middle but there was some more groups so there was a kite group and a stone group the stone group got to do some Matariki patterns on the paper the kite group got to draw a face but my group done some folding.
Matariki fun day
Today it was a fun day and we played tapu ae in the hall and we made some Matariki stars and i was in waita but there was other groups and they were waiti and ururangi and waipumarangi and I done some play dough and we went to the library and this is what I made.
Paperplane challenge
Today Me and my classmates were doing a competition but I didn’t get to play because I didn’t no how to fold a plane. After that and because I was to late because it already finished.
first we folded our paper plane. and then we coloured our plane.
Then we went to the back of the and throwed our paper planes. But we all counted down
And they all got ready to throw.
After that some of my classmates won the competition but one girl won the hole game. After she coloured her paperplane very
At the very end that one girl I was talking about made the farest in The hole class. Clapped for that girl her name is Helen and I think I could bet her but I didn’t get to be in the competition the end.